@Kirsty my lo normally wakes up between 6 and 6.30 so if he wakes at 5 there’s no way he’s going back to sleep 😭
My boy started waking up at 5.30 on the clock...he is grumpy and tired and moaning. Until a week ago he would wake up at 6.45, was great. I fill him up before bed with dinner around 5.30/6 then milk at 7. He's on 1 nap on nursery days and 2 naps at the weekend. HELP!!
@Teodora yeah this is exactly the same as us!! Same dinner / milk schedule too. And previously he'd always wake up at 7am ish or a bit later
Have you tried giving him some cereal or toast before bed? We’ve started doing ‘supper’ and seems to help xx
My 14 month old is the same. He has never been an early riser but in the past week always wakes at 5am and seems hungry so give a quick feed but then is wide awake and babbling and really tough to get him back down. Just managed to get him back down this morning (it's 6:30am) so will let him sleep til his usual wake up time of 7/7:30