@Sera Kay ✨ oh bloody hell, 6 weeks 😭😂 how’s baby sleeping now? Did you do anything to help during it? My LG struggles to self settle which I am trying to work on, going to sleep at night she’s getting good at but it’s in the night she struggles and wakes soo often x
@Charlene he’s not sleeping as good as before the regression BUT he’s waking every 3 hours and that’s so much better than every hour lol! He’s doing about 3 feeds a night. Honestly the only thing you can do it focus on habit, routine & schedule and stick to it. Self settling is a must. This regression is crucial for these things. But nothing you do will change/help/stop or prevent the regression sadly you just have to ride it out. But seriously it’s now or never to set schedule and routine. I was feeding to sleep and I made sure I stopped this. I downloaded the huckleberry app and it helped SO much.
@Sera Kay ✨ oh absolutely, my girl is waking every 1-2 hours and feeds twice, the other times she’s just waking up whinging and I have to comfort her to get her back off but this is where the self settling needs to come in isn’t it. We have a bedtime routine which she is definitely getting used to. With naps we don’t have a schedule at the moment as her naps are all over and she’s a big contact napper. I’ve heard so much about the huckleberry app.. xx
My LO is 18w and I think (🤞🏽) we’re coming out the other side. Night feeds were every 1-2hours but the last couple nights we’ve only fed twice. Feeling like a new woman 🤣 when it gets tough I have to remind myself to just take things one day at a time 🙏🏾❤️
@Charlene self settling is vital but also babies still need milk and to wake frequently at night so they don’t drift off into a deep sleep and become at risk of SIDS. When my little one cries or makes noise at night I check when they were last awake and last fed and if it feels too soon then I’ll either pop dummy in or let them fall back to sleep. Sometimes he tosses and turns but I don’t really let him “cry it out” (he also rarely cries) I always assist him if he really is upset x
The regression lasted 7/8 weeks for us. We are out of it now. The only thing I did was stop feeding to sleep, and only feeding her every 3/4 hours at night e.g. not at every wake up. Last night was the first time she only woke up once for a feed. We have a good bedtime routine, but do not follow a daily schedule- we get up when she wakes up in the morning and follow sleepy cues. When she is 5 months (only a week away) I will start making the day more structured and wake her up at the same time every day,
5 weeks in and still going strong, god help me
I’m from September group and I come out of it within the last fortnight after 6 weeks x