
Our LO is about to turn 8 months. He is still on 3 naps currently and wake windows of 2 / 2.5 / 2.5 / 3 ish (varies). I'm struggling to fit everything in to keep his bed time at an OK time?! It would be too early if we cut a nap completely. Just wondering what everyone's routines are? I think we need to push to 3 hour wake windows before we cut a nap maybe?
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Hiya, what time is LO going to bed? What time would you like to go to bed?

Does your LO go down easy when you put him down for his naps or does he take a while to settle and sleep? Mine is on 3 hour wake windows, sometimes 3.5 hours on the odd occasion. I found when I was putting him down after 2-2.5 hours he'd be awake for an hour in his cot just chattering to himself. So it made me realise he wasn't quite ready for sleep at that point. Whereas now he'll put himself to sleep within about 10-15 mins being in his cot. We held that routine for a while of 3 hour wake windows and then he dropped the 3rd nap of his own accord

We slowly pushed the wake windows to 3 hours, then dropped to 2 naps. It took a while to get to this as we'd jump between 2 nap and 3 nap days. Now he's doing 2 naps, 11 ish and 3 ish then bed by 7/8, we also found he started to nap for nearer an hour, rather than his usual 30mins. If you struggle some days getting to bed time without a nap, then we found a quick 15min would be ok and he'd still go to bed

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