Not too late at all. I think ideally they want to know by around 32 weeks but you can make a decision even later x
My next appointment I’ll be nearly 30 weeks but this has gave me the confidence to mention it! Thank you ladies🥹 x
I mentioned to my midwife at 28 weeks and I have a appointment with a consultant to discuss in the next couple of weeks - not too late! X
@Hannah aw brilliant! My appointment has just been moved and I’ll be 31 weeks so hopefully it won’t be too late. Were they nice about it? X
My consultant told me the other day it would be discussed at 32 weeks appointment so shouldn’t be too late
My midwife was lovely in that she never asked me why or tried to persuade me not to. I’m hoping that the consultant is just as nice. X
@Hannah that’s so good and as it should be! I’m so nervous to mention it in case they are dismissive. How did you go around bringing it up?
Not too late :) l was around 26 weeks with my first when l first mentioned it to my midwifr that l wanted a section . Good luck!