Potty training underwear

Has anyone tried potty training pants? The ones that have an extra layer for accidents. At home she uses the potty/toilet quite well, however at nursery, her toilet usage is a bit hit and miss, as she is busy and has a pull up on. The next step is to go to nursery without a pull up on and see how she goes (their suggestion). I might leave it a month or so before giving it a go as I don’t want to do it before she is completely ready. Just wondering if those training pants are worth it when out and about for those who have used them?
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Our hv mentioned to put pants on underneath a nappy/pull up so they can feel accidents we’ve not tried this yet as we’re not ready yet but I would try reusable pants too 🤷🏻‍♀️

When we started potty training, I put my lb straight into normal pants. After understanding the wet pants feeling that's what taught him to know when he has done a wee/ needs a wee etc. On a couple of occasions he weed as in puddled on floor through pants. So thos put me off going out, so I thought I would try the training pants for confidence. He never actually had an accident out, as I put him on the potty at very regular intervals to try to prevent this. He did have a wee in them at one point before we left home, and although they do stop a puddle shall we say, and catch a lot the wee did still leave a small patch on his trousers. For me, using them was about him not weeing on people's floors through his clothes rather than keeping him dry, if that makes sense, as I was happy to change his clothes.

Don’t confuse them - from day 1 our nursery said no nappies save for naps. How can you tell a child to use a potty sometimes then it’s acceptable to wet yourself another. Normal pants, slightly bigger so they can pull up and down themselves and lots of changes of clothes. Learning to go when distracted is key - your nursery need to be on it and ask every 20 mins until it clicks

We just went to normal pants- the reviews on the training pants state they didn’t stop leaking anyway- and it’s better to put pants under the nappy if needed to get the ‘wet feeling’ my daughter loves the book ‘no more nappies’ by Amanda gummer- definitely helped

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