It’s so overwhelming to know when and how to start isn’t it 🤣🤣🤣
Get a mini toilet off Amazon and go together :)
I think your baby is definitely ready and at a great age to start. I potty training my daughter in October. It wasn't easy to start with but just go for it! So here are my tips: keep the child at home at least for 3-4 days so you don't have to put nappies on while out and aren't rushing to public toilets. If the child attends nursery then is better to start during holidays. Once the nappies come off you shouldn't put them back on because it just confuses them. Accidents will happen a lot in the beginning but its all part of the process so be PATIENT. Get the potty ready and keep it where you spend most of your day (for me it was the living room). No nappies and sit them in the potty every 30min-1 hour to see if anything happens and so they start getting used to it. It's easier to keep them naked from the waist down as they aren't able to hold the wee in the beginning (it takes practice).
Once they successfully use the potty give them a big cheer to incentivate them! No sweets please, just clapping and cheering and maybe a stickers as well.
We toilet trained in December, and it went so so well. My only tips would be to follow their lead.. if they don’t want to sit on the toilet etc, don’t force it as it could make things worse. We skipped the potty and went straight to the toilet, which went really well. We rewarded with stickers and chocolate for a poo. It worked for us, and after a couple of weeks, he forgot about the chocolates and stickers. We would set a timer for every 15 mins for the first week, and after that, he was able to tell us when he had to go. We also stayed at home for a week, so no distractions. I think just waiting untill they’re definitely ready is the best advice . Goodluck 😅
Thank you for all the advice xx
We followed the online Big Little Feelings potty training course just after Christmas and it worked really well for us x
No advice as I’m in the exact same boat! But (following also) hopefully someone can give us some tips 🫠😂