@Katelynn so far it’s been girl
Not myself but my sisters children she has an older girl aged 6 and boy 3 and they took same amount of time x
All around the same age.
Voted for my sister who has both. Her son was ready sooner and seemed to train faster thus was potty trained earlier than her daughter (who is older if that matters)
I was potty trained before my brother and he was older than me 😭. I’ve heard that girls potty trained faster
@Celinee I wonder why maybe bc we don’t have to hold are privates to use the bathroom just sit on the toilet and wipe
My girls. One trained at 19m the other 22m so both under 2yrs. My boy we trained at 2y3m but he got day in a weekend and nights a week later so it was a quick 1.5w process to fully train him
Lol Im exempt. Two kids in diapers. Please say its girl because boy is stressing me out a bit.