It's none existent in our house at the minute I've managed to get him to sit on the toilet fully clothes will not entertain a potty though we will get there I keep getting told boys are lazy and take longer
My little girl has really taken it well. For the first 3 days she would poo in her underwear and not the toilet then she went to nursery on the Thursday and that's the first time she did it in the toilet since then she just does it 😅 i think once they get passed the first one it comes easier because they realise it's not so bad. Maybe look out for the cues of doing a poo, my daughter would hide or she would crouch down somewhere..then try them on the toilet with a book or something to keep them occupied xx
My daughter says poo 💩 then runs to the toilet but already done it in her nappy 🤷♀️ she also likes to use the toilet whilst completely naked 🤭 it’s one of those things that’s takes time and patience. Good luck 🤞