I waited until she was 2 years 10 months old and she got it straight away and was accident free after two days, a very easy process, she basically did it herself. So I would always recommend to wait and not rush it too early.
About 3 weeks after he turned 3. I tried at 28 months and he was not ready. But then he started demanding his nappy be changed immediately. We did 2 days at home, naked, then 3rd day went out, trousers no pants, and he did amazing. The first day we had a few accidents but then he did one wee on the potty and it clicked. After that it went pretty well, obviously a few accidents but they were usually him being distracted or not quite getting to the toilet on time
2 years 10 months, girl, and it was an absolute breeze. So glad we didn’t force it earlier! Waited until she was ready.
2 years 5 months when we started. She's now 2 years 7 months and is doing really well. We waited until she was ready.
I potty trained my niece as soon as she could walk {a little before 1yr.} to save her parents money on diapers. I bought the adapter for the toilet because I had no interest in cleaning a training toilet. I just made her think it was a game. I would stick her on there with her sippy cup and sing songs with her until she peed, then hug, kiss, cheer and celebrate for every tinkle and tell her that she did a good job going potty or No. 1. She learned quite fast how to tell me when she had to go, probably because she enjoyed her butt not getting wet anymore and all of the positive reinforcement.
exactly 4.5 months, we sit him on the potty before and after every nap and then roughly a very hour but that’s also because we exclusively cloth diaper and that makes the laundry process easier when it’s only wet
@Lisa we did exactly the same, glad we waited.
We did it a few months before their 2nd birthday for both of mine and it went well