On the floor, this is also a great time to teach her how to wash her hands and how to wipe. The wiping will be a bit harder. Get flushable wipes too!
We had a potty and a toilet seat for upstairs. We started by putting her on the toilet every time she looked busy so by the time we started potty training she already understood.
@Marra & Danny ahh amazing thank you!! when we go out should i put like pull up pants just in case of an accident as we don’t have a spare car seat? or do i just out her in a nappy as i’ve heard just let her run around naked for around 3 days and she should get the hang of it? xx
Yes!! Absolutely. I kept 2 pairs of shorts and 2 pairs of pull-ups and still was bringing an extra in my purse lol. Even now that my kid is potty trained, he has 2 shorts and 2 boxers that stay in the glove box just in case.
Keep her in her nappy when you leave the house just keep reminding her and taking her. You also want to get her used to going in public as it can be frightening to kids (it's loud, there are strangers, and it's just not like home) Also, for the carseat if you go without a nappy on her...my granma gave me these puppy pad things but they're for older folk who may wet the bed. Put those down or you'll be having to take the whole car seat apart to wash it.
@Marra ah amazing thank you!! xx
Get one if this tiny toilets for potty training and but her on it every hour and after every meal. Reward her for making a pee/poop in the toilet and explain to her what's happening while she's going. Also before you put her on it. Say let's go to the bathroom or potty. Something that names the action so she'll recognize how to tell you when she starts needing to telling you. Get a portable potty as well and keep it in your car. One if the worse/confusing things you can do is be teaching her at home and disregard it out in public. When you're out in public, ask her constantly (also in the house if she has to go lol). If you're comfortable, get her run around the house naked. Also, when you go, bring her with you so she can see. I have a boy but I always made my hubs take him so he could see that he wasn't the only one that did this and bc kids like to copy anyway. I heard girls were easier but I think it'll still get messy. As she progresses leave the bathroom door open with the potty