High rise undies! Nothing worse then your undie waist band sitting right on your c section wound. And stool softeners, although the hospital should provide them. All the drugs often give the worst constipation, so be prepared for the first bowel movement.
A drink bottle with a straw, a long charger cord, button up nighties instead of two piece pyjamas and those big disposable undies that look like nappies
I had an emergency c-section, aftercare for me consisted of adult diapers ( i found comfy as it didnt press against the cut and they were light ) after that i found my kmart undies weren’t cutting it without pulling them high so definitely seek some higher waisted ones ( doesnt necessarily need to be high wasted just not too much of a low cut) You do generally have to inject needles into tummy for 7 days post c section to prevent clotting, i found using an ice cube to numb my stomach helped A LOAD!! Loose pants and baggy Tee’s was my go to, or long loose dresses depending what you feel most comfortable in. I left the hospital in a bunnings shirt and pj shorts 🤣
I truly had stuff all interms of things prepared, i only used the maternity pads the first night/next day then went to my adult diapers and then just used night time pads as i didnt find my blood loss was too extreme. You’ll have to drink LOADS of water and post op when they remove catheter theyll make you go to the toilet ( i found this the worst because i didnt feel like i needed to wee) i ended up drinking 4 x hydralyte’s along with ice chips and water and FINALLY wee’d before i was allowed to be discharged ( i left 24 hours post c section). Happy to inbox if you prefer to ask me questions xo
I found it didnt need movicol or anything for “stool softeners” but i do believe i was informed that was also due to me having been on Maltofer iron tablets which actually caused me to have more so diarrhoea/soft stools instead
Take nighties/moomoo’s less bending you can do the better or lose pj pants while in the hospital and agree 100% with high waisted undies and adult nappies
Yes massive knickers to keep the band off the scar, nighties with buttons for easy breastfeeding. I also took strong panadol with me for when it was painful and was having to wait for medication in the days following c section in hospital
High waisted disposable nappies!!
Drink bottle you can open one-handed - i was so thirsty the first few weeks post birth. Long charger cable. Maternity pads - I found these way more comfortable than those adult diapers! Breast pads and Nursing bras or singlets. Or leak proof bras/singlets (bonds have some good affordable options) High waisted undies. I found dresses or high waisted loose skirts most comfortable.
A cushion to place on your wound when you sit up! Sitting up those first few weeks, is extremely painful and I found pressing a cushion against my scar, helped a little bit. It’d probably be worthwhile to have extra cushions to keep you more upright, when you lie down so you don’t have as far to move up too.
Pain killers after you leave the hospital, everyone has different types of bleeding but to br safe i had the maternity nappies which were comfortable and had a cute printed bow so felt like a queen, I had an emergency c section so couldn't prepare much all I know is I would have killed for one of those beds that sit up for you
I’m in the same boat so I want to follow this post to see what people say 😁