@Nattinan I have been to the dr today about it and they said it was potentially just a broken vessel due to sneezing but sometimes they can get it wrong it only lasted a little moment and stopped right away, I’m still really concerned about it though
If it’s mixed in with the mucus then it is probably normal. But if you’re talking about runny fresh blood that flows as if their nose is bleeding then it isn’t normal. Just have to not exaggerate them. I have a type of rhinitis allergy and always have irritate nose. If I blow my nose too much then there can be blood mixed in, sometimes dry blood as well due to how irritated it is. So I’d say it’s normal and wouldn’t worry about it. Definitely don’t exaggerate it because the two are different symptoms, and can be misleading to other people on the internet, and that will end up worrying you for no reasons at all. Hope it clears up soon
That doesn’t sound normal