We still use the pram too, I have a 3.5 year old as well and trying to keep them both under control and walking at the same pace is a nightmare. We also have a double pram that I use for them both if going on a long walk or going to be out all day.
I still use it. Sometimes it’s completely pointless and she wants to walk the whole time but whenever I don’t take it she wants to be carried. Most of my friends and family with older kids used it until about 4 x
We don’t use it often but I used it today as she was due to nap (she didn’t) but it meant she had her quiet rest whilst in town she’s in the process of napping some days and not others
We still use ours. If I don't, he's basically a hazard 😂 I do let him walk and hold my hand for a bit if it's not too busy, but he's still happy to sit in there too
We use our pram all the time. We walk a lot (3 miles most days) and my little boy can't keep up. Also, the safety aspect (as you mentioned) is a consideration and means we can get on with shopping without trying to herd the little one at the same time!
If it’s just us out and about I do because if not he just runs off and I can’t keep up with him 😂
When my husband comes out with us we don’t take it, but when it’s just me I still feel I need it. He loves walking, but sometimes we need to get somewhere quickly, and it’s a lot easier to pop him in the pram. Plus I’m 34 weeks pregnant now, so definitely can’t carry him if he gets tired!
I always take the pram out and usually let him walk but have it as a back up if he gets tired or starts playing up and can't be trusted to walk sensibly 😅
I walk most places so use it all day every day. He also uses it to nap in whether we’re home or not ☺️
Day to day when taking my oldest to school (about 20 mins each way) my daughter will walk or if short things like going in small shops etc but I think for long walks or places really busy and unfamiliar we’d still use. Similar to what someone else said, with an older child as well sometimes it can be easier and safer to have one in the pushchair. It also just depends on the child. My oldest was walking by 10/11 months and hated being in the pushchair just wanted to walk whereas my daughter, it’s only the last few months she really felt up to walking more. Somedays she’ll ask for the pushchair and that’s totally fine, it’s her body and 2 is still so little. Just depends on the child and the circumstances. Do what’s best for you and your child 
Haven’t used it since he was 1.5. My 9 month old uses it now and my toddler walks. If we are going near a lot of roads then he’s on the reins and if it’s just to the park or to nursery then he’s free walks
We still use the pram as we go for long walks regularly. My daughter hasn't been walking that long so her legs get tired. Ignore what other people think - do what works for you!