@Kelsey thank you. I appreciate it :)
Oh my this happened to me too ! What made me feel worse was I was watching her before I guess my body just shut down and I had fallen asleep then wake up to hearing her scream and see her on the other side of the bed. Make sure they aren’t throwing up or spitting up during feeds. That they don’t seem more tired than usual. That they still want to eat
Mama don’t feel bad. My 5 month old rolled off 3 times in a week. I know that sounds horrible and i beat myself up sooooo much about it. We finally got bed rails lol. Babies are tougher than you think. All 3 times he cried but was perfectly fine! He’s a wild one, started crawling at 5 1/2 months. I’m sure your cutie is fine!
@Melody thank you!
@Chelsea I really appreciate it! I was feeling so down today:(
Just here to say you're not alone, I understand the guilt 😔 no matter how careful you think you're being, anything can happen in an instant! I would just watch for any behavior that seems out of the norm for your baby. I think you'll know if something seems off - trust your intuition. Fortunately babies are very resilient and not tensing up the way we do/would when falling helps prevent injury as well. Try to forgive yourself 🩵