@Flower honestly I was thinking the same I'm really in support of full term
The hospital usually find a reason to scare mums into c sections. I would have liked to have had the confidence to reject my c section the first time round but I was strongly advised to have it, same with this pregnancy. I don’t think anyone is having a c section without being advised my medical staff to have one.
FTM here so I might be wrong but you'll only be offered an induction for a medical reason, from GD to concerns about the baby's growth. So you might see a lot of posts about people being induced before their 40 weeks but all of them will be for a reason, even if it's not specified on the post
@Anna very true I agree.. but with my previous pregnancy I was just turning about let's say 39 -40 weeks if im correct and they said they was going to book me in to be induced the following week, the day before induction I happened to deliver baby and I had no health concerns. Im also seeing a few women saying they are 41 and 42 weeks with no signs of labour but I guess everyone's body is different.
I’m getting induced this Sunday at 39 weeks for reduced movements but I’m also consultant led for an autoimmune disease xx
Yeah every pregnancy is different and I think everyone is offered at least the membrane sweep on their week 40, it's up to mum to accept it based on the medical advise they get. For example, my consultant strongly advises induction after the EDD because I'm at a higher risk of a stillbirth, but some women will be comfortable waiting a couple more weeks for baby to come when they're ready
My hospital seem to be so relaxed in offering c-sections and inductions this time as though it's the norm. I'm finding it quite odd. I'm consultant lead which is why these conversations are happening but I could have booked an induction today if I wanted to just like that even though I'm classed as back in a normal range for growth.
I had a discussion with my midwife about this the other week. I was offered an induction last week at 39 weeks for no other reason other than “if you want one” but I’m of the view baby will arrive when he arrives. Until I’m not, I’m the best place for him. I’ve got a fairly old school midwife and she’s quite discouraged at how ~medical the whole birth process has become. Obviously if there is a reason to induce / plan a section etc that’s totally different but it is definitely getting more and more common that people are just being offered sections and inductions ‘just because’.
I think standard protocol is to offer induction 1 week past EDD, well it is in my hosp anyway! Which imo is completely fine. It’s down to the mother and their care team and I don’t think anyone is in a place to comment really. I was induced previously due to reoccuring reduced movements. However, that isn’t the case this time I’m just laying in wait for a natural onset… hoping and praying that it’s soon because I’m SO done with being pregnant now lol
There’s a book called in your own time by Sara Whickham. I think you’ll find it interesting as it discusses the current practices with induction and the actual research which does not necessarily back up the practices within the medical system
I am having a sweep today at 38 weeks and my induction is booked for 39 weeks. My baby has stopped growing and my placenta has calcified so I’d rather have medical intervention than a still born
I’m not sure especially knowing majority of them becomes c- section! Why would you want to put yourself and body and baby through that? Let baby come when it’s ready 😠