I’m in the same boat as you!!! I’m 34 weeks
Although I’ve never had one myself, I worked in a chiropractic office that specialized in prenatal care. Patients who had them said they were pretty painful, and only were successful turning the baby half the time. I’m currently pregnant with my first who is presenting breech and I’m trying to exhaust all other options before attempting an ECV. (ie: Chiro adjustments with a Webster Breech certified chiro, daily stretching, massage therapy, physical therapy, Spinning Babies program, Miles Circuit, etc)
50% is a pretty high success rate so I’m definitely going to try. I’m doing all the exercises so hopefully she will turn before then. What does a chiro do @Dana ? I’ve heard mixed reviews on using a chiro for something like this.
No clue hearing it for the 1st time . What is it though ?