@Flower they examined me saying they wanted to break my waters or insert a pessary but my cervix was to far back to do anything and the doctor said I will probably struggle with natural birth due to my previous c section and there could be other complications.
Well, in my case I think I have felt pressure around me to try a vbac. People who are not my doctor have said it's possible and especially since I'm not yet showing the preeclampsia symptoms. That is one reason for feeling guilt. Another reason I feel some guilt is the recovery time required might keep me more separated from my toddler longer. Ultimately I'm feeling a lot of anxiety this time around and having a C-section again is the best decision for me. I am happy that I have been able to wait longer though. I imagine that you may have had a bit of a traumatic experience with your first and anxiety is playing a role in that decision too. We are mothers. Guilt is a normal part of the role. If it's not this, it's something else. Try not to let it consume you. Try not to compare yourself to others. Your peace of mind is also important to your baby.
Always trust your gut! It sounds like you’ve made a choice that makes you feel the most relaxed and comfortable so that is the important thing! Just focus on your baby coming soon 🤗 there’s no right or wrong way to birth, just what makes the most sense for you and your baby!
Very jealous!! I have a section planned for 17th im due march 20th so cutting it fine i had an emergency section before hand i felt rubbish this time about it but it is what it is
Can I please ask why they offered you a c-section? Is there any health related reason? I hope you’re okay :)