When to try for another post c-section

Hi mamas!!! I am a first time momma of a little boy - he’s 2 months old. I’m 36 and want to have another baby as soon as possible. I know that may seem crazy but I want to start trying for our second soon. There’s mixed opinions out there on waiting and risks involved. Has anyone gotten pregnant quickly after birth and if so, what was your experience like? Any advice is appreciated! Much love! 💕
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I had my 2nd daughter yesterday, and I was 6 months pp from my first when i found out. So far, recover has been easy. There are no issues at all. im 36 this year xx

I asked this at my C-section consenting appointment. The consultant said she would be happy for me to try after 6 months. If you had an emergency section they definitely want you to wait longer bigger cut, higher risk procedure when done with a dilated cervix and contracting uterus. That said there’s loads of people who get pregnant before then and everything’s fine. But it is higher risk, you’ll need monitoring and there are potential complications.

That is what I am wanting to do as well. My boy is 2 months as well. I was told by my OB that I shouldn’t get pregnant until after 18 months.

I just had my 2nd on the 18th, my kids are 17.5 months apart. I had no complications

Thanks ladies!! I was an elective C - I had a large fibroid removed a few years ago that meant I couldn’t go the vaginal route.

Are you wanting to try for a vbac or just another c section. Either way I’d wait 6 months at least. But longer if wanting a vbac. I got pregnant 10 months pp and had a vbac

Hey Gabrielle - I can’t have a vaginal birth due to health complications so it’d be another c. Thanks for sharing your experience!

There is a reason they say to wait. I wouldn't be trying until bub is nearly 1. Your body needs a chance to heal to give you and any new baby the best chance. Just because other people have had another pregnancy immediately and been fine doesn't mean it's safe. Listen to your doctors, not random on the internet, who went against medical advice and happened to be OK. Sending baby dust though 😊

Plz enjoy your little one !!! This time goes by sooooo fast.

I was told 18 months (Ireland) and I had an elective. I'm 34.

I'm 35 and my little one is just over 2 months. I have another child who's 10. I want another quite quickly as I qualified as a nurse in 2022 and I really haven't been able to start my career.. and I know I want 1 more. I've been told 12-18 months. I also have uterus didelphys so I have 2 of everything and it's difficult to conceive so we aren't preventing it and just hoping it happens when it does.

My dr told me a year , I had my kiddos via c section 3 years apart

I've had 3 sections in 2.5 years. If I could do it again I'd wait at least 12 months! I had no issues during surgery only the fact I was overweight so had to have a bead stitch to hold me together and with my 2nd they mentioned my layers had fused together so took longer to cut through x

It all depends on how you want your delivery to be! But I’d always recommend to TTC when baby is around 7 months, give yourself one or two cycles to try and have a bang on 18 months gap (by doctors recommended if you’d like a VBAC/ elective c section) Of course, look after yourself & get a Mummy MOT to see if you and your body are ready for baby #2! Best of luck xx

Had an emergency C-section 13 mo ago, currently 4 mo pregnant, so waited 9

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All 3 of mine are 10 months apart. My last one was a super surprise. But my 2nd I went into preterm labor at 31 weeks and delivered at 34 weeks. He was in the nicu until basically his due date. My doctor wouldn’t allow vbac after my 2nd one which was an emergency csection. Both my second and third I had hospital stays. How do you feel about being weeks in the hospital before you’re delivery? You can’t have your little one stay with you. Then if you deliver early how do you feel about your baby being in the nicu. It’s a hard feeling leaving your baby at the hospital.

@Justice thanks for sharing. That’s such a good point - if I end up in hospital before delivery I wouldn’t have my little boy with me. And leaving the hospital without your baby has to be hard.

I had a emergency C-section and my doctor said to wait 18 months at least but I will be 42 this month n I do want to have one more baby but I will wait I like to hear others experience but everyone is different n recovery different so my advice is wait at least 12 months n enjoy your little one as much possible because with 2 under 2 is going to be different

I had my boy in October via emergency C-section they say ideally 18 months but I never had any complications during my pregnancy or health conditions. So I'm going to try at the end of the year for baby number 2 as I know with my PCOS it'll take a while x Also our boys have the same name hehe c

@Kyla hi Kyla! Love that they share the name!!! - we call him Teddy or Theo for short and his middle name is Hamilton. What’s your boys middle name?? You live in England? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 we may be spending the month of May there visiting friends and family.

@Heather My boy is called Theodore Raen Peter Law 🫶🏼 we call him the same or sometimes bear. And that's awesome!! I hope you have a good time 😌

I’m also 36. I got pregnant when my LO was 11 months. I think it was perfect. They recommend a year but it was close enough. I had a natural birth though.

I got pregnant with my second (due in 2 days) 8 1/2 months after i had my first via c section. My obgyn said normally they encourage moms to wait 18 months just because repeat C sections super close together can cause muscle problems, healing problems, and can also cause permanant Distatsis Recti. It can also implicate mental health as well. But he also said plenty of woman do back to back pregnancies and dont have complications. Its really just down to ur over all health and how well u take care of urself.

hey there! tbh, I think it really depends on your body and how you're feeling, but I know a few people who got pregnant pretty quick after their first and they seemed to handle it just fine! 💕 I actually checked the 'Heal Baby Care App' for this and here's what it says: "Congratulations on your little boy! It's completely understandable to want to expand your family, but it's important to consider your health and recovery after childbirth. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends waiting at least 18 months between pregnancies to reduce risks for both mother and baby. However, every situation is unique, so it might be helpful to discuss your specific health and family plans with your healthcare provider.

I fell pregnant around 5 months pp after c section, only 5 weeks left. I've had a Lovely pregnancy, no problems. Im getting lots of colostrum since around 26 weeks which I've been able to store - ( just collected as I've leaked not expressed) not sure if its cuz they are close together. yes my scar gets a little sensitive but nothing major at all and it's only been a few times, its more of a tingle. Baby Theo is 13 months old, so yes it can be tiring as he's a 100mph 🤣 but if u have a supportive partner and one who helps like me you'll be absolutely fine 🩵 so excited now and I know my son and his soon little sister will grow together. I'm also 36, I'm 37 end of March amd having another c section 🥰❤️

@Catherine thank you for sharing. I have a Theo too!

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