Pre-eclampsia and elective c-section.

I have been admitted to hospital for pre-eclampsia and we had a discussion today about an elective c-section next week, at 37 weeks. I am anxious about recovery and so unsure what to expect. Has anyone else experienced this and opted for a C-section please?
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I did the same thing and even though I wanted a natural birth it ended up being g a c section at 37 weeks

@Berna They are struggling to get my BP under control without induction or being in labour so it worried me that it would end up being an emergency section anyway!

I was admitted at 37 weeks with preeclampsia & choose to induce , I was in labor for 50+ hrs & ultimately had a c-section. I had a BP of 198/130 so was on a mag drip within 20 mins of getting admitted. I have zero regrets getting the c-section & if it happened again I would probably ask for the c-section instead of trying to induce. My delivery was nothing like what we were “prepared” for & I also had PP Preeclampsia. I am 7m pp now & you are welcome to message me 🫶🏽

They also struggled to get my BP under control, acupuncture helped my BP so much because they weren’t allowed to prescribe medications. I was also induced at 37 weeks and had pp pre eclampsia for about 6 weeks then the body slowly returned to normal

I can’t recommend acupuncture enough

@Berna thank you for sharing your experience! I have been considering acupuncture.

I am still on meds & want to find another option.

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