I got pregnant 5 months postpartum and my kids love each other so much.
My oldest is MUCH happier having a live-in best friend than he would have been being an only child with a little more parent attention. They both still get quite a lot of love from us but, equally important, they get love from each other. My 2 year old worships the ground his 4 year old brother walks on
@Emma he is 6 months old. And wow this is helpful. Am definitely going to do alot of these
@Catherine awww this is beautiful
How old is he? I would say that if he's under 1 and will be just over 1 when new baby is here, you probably won't see much of a difference behaviour wise. However if baby will be older (18 months+) when new baby arrives I would look to do a few things. For context I am pregnant and due in 4 weeks and have a 28 month old. Things I have done: ●Read books about a new sibling. ●Talked about the baby in mummy's tummy every day. ●Shown her all the babies new things. ●Got a nappy/wipe caddy for her to be able to help me grab things when changing/feeding baby. Things I plan to do when baby is here. ●Plan to tell her how happy baby brother is that she's so helpful. ●Have her help me change and feed him. ●Do a present exchange - baby brother will have a present for her and she will have one for him. ●Not be holding the new baby at all when she first meets him. Talk about how much I love her and miss her. And make a big deal of her when I see her after birth. Hopefully that will help curb any jealousy. X