His legs were wrapped around the umbilical cord 3 times
I had an emergency c section and then had a vbac successfully after the 1st, so you should be OK x
The fact that you have had 3 vaginal deliveries already, a vaginal delivery this time is entirely possible and more likely to be successful than not
You'd be a good candidate for vbac. You've had 3 vaginal births already and the reason for your section was just bad luck, not something that's likely to recur
Questioning myself, I’ve been advised by a nurse to check this site : https://vbac.com/ Very complete, there are like 13 modules to read, very interesting even for me who at the end isn’t eligible for VBAC. According to what you said it seems like you are a good candidate for it !
You definitely sound like a good candidate! I had a VBAC back in October if you have any questions!
Your well past the healing part you can absolutely do a vbac. I had a c section with my first cause he was breech. I'm going for a vbac if I can.
hey, congrats on the surrogate baby! tbh, a lot of it depends on your doc and how your body healed, but many people do have successful VBACs after a c-section, so it's definitely worth chatting with your healthcare provider about it! here's what the 'Heal Baby Care App' says.... "Congratulations on your pregnancy! The chances of having a successful vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC) can be quite favorable, especially if your previous c-section was due to a non-recurring reason. Generally, studies suggest that about 60-80% of women who attempt a VBAC can achieve a vaginal delivery. However, factors such as your overall health, the reason for your previous c-section, and the support of your healthcare team will play a significant role. Have you discussed your VBAC plans with your healthcare provider?"
If the c-section was for a baby-related reason, the odds of a successful VBAC are higher because there is no reason it would happen again with a different baby. If it was a mother-related reason, there could be higher odds of the same thing happening again but it doesn't mean it will. With 3 vaginal births and such a long interval, I think your chances should be very good for a VBAC.
Was it a medical reason for the section? My girl was breech. That was the only reason, so they’ve said my chances of a VBAC are good.