
I’m currently breastfeeding as well as bottle. Due to breastfeeding, I’m getting hungry very quickly and would eat a few extra meals a day. This has caused me to gain weight around my hip area. I had a C-section in Dec and was wondering whether anyone has started exercise or is it too soon? Would appreciate if anyone can suggest anything they’re doing :) I just don’t like looking myself in the mirror right now. People have said to be easy on myself especially since I gave birth in Dec but I’m not comfortable in my own body.
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Yep I’m exactly the same, I also had a C-section in December. I was a size 12 at 10st. I can’t even fit into a size 14 and I’m 12st 5lbs at the moment. My body looks nothing like it did before I got pregnant. I’m having to buy clothes still that I don’t really want. I’ve started walking and my chiropractor has given me some exercises to do to try and strengthen my muscle rather than going straight back into full on classes etc

Minus the c-section I’m the same, I know we have to be easy on ourselves but I can’t help how I feel. I was running this time last year and I’m struggling to get back into it. I’m also nowhere near fitting into my clothes I was wearing before pregnancy. I too am breastfeeding so eating more than I usually would. Im now trying to eat healthier and then hopefully the exercise will just come. I just don’t make the effort anymore. We will get there soon I’m sure 😩

All my clothes don’t fit me anymore either and I don’t feel I want to buy new clothes in the hopes I’ll lose weight! I should probably look at healthier eating but I don’t even have the time to make them 🤦🏽‍♀️

Totally empathise. I’m EBFing and 2.5 stone heavier than pre baby #3 so I’ve started female only group PT sessions 3x s week and switched up my diet to be protein heavy and low sugar. I eat carbs as need to support the feeding as it does make you so hungry! It’s really tough fitting in the workouts around the kids & I privately tutor to try and help out financially - but I figure if I want to change it IS going to be hard & hectic so I have to accept it and go 7-7:45am while he tends to nap, that way im back for the school run 🤪 It’s about being kind to yourself but equally finding the motivation to push yourself too, with my other two I found pushing myself to make some changes (when I was ready) did lead to me feeling better. Good luck to everyone as it does feel crappy not having any clothes or feeling confident ❤️ it will pass x

I'm bottle feeding and I can't stop eating 🤣 i also had a section in December. The mini eggs keep calling my name lol. I'm going for a walk everyday, one because I want to start gradually getting into fitness and 2 because it helps my mental health. I want to start weight training but that is difficult when my partner is away with the army most of the week. So going to try and do bits at home and walking too.

Me too!!! after birth I was 8 kilos over my previous weight now 5.5 and really wants them to go I am trying to exercise but it is impossible never have time, baby starts crying as soon as I leave him… we are going on walks that’s helping not extra snaking and I am drinking lots of water…nothing fits or if it fits not like before 😩 trying to eat healthy most of the time but sometimes I can’t resist I think it will take me still few months before loosing baby weight… hope everyone will get to their body goals and come back to feel themselves just remind it took us 9 months to create a little human we can’t ask to be back to normal in 2 months even tho it woul be cool.. let’s be kind with ourselves

I didn’t have a c-section but can totally sympathise with the weight gain and your body looking different to what you’re used to. It’s so hard buying clothes in a bigger size but ultimately helps. You feel much nicer in clothes that aren’t tight etc. just buy a few key pieces so that you have a few different outfits to wear until your old clothes fit you again. Though with my last pregnancy I found that once I was fitting nicely into my old clothes I didn’t feel like they suited me anymore, your style and taste in clothing often changes during this phase of life. It took me 18 months to be back to my pregnancy weight last time and I am expecting a similar time frame again :)

Thank you all!!!

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