@Mariah 40 weeks 5 days
@Desiree yes I would say you’re in early labor
Once the pain has your doubled over and you can’t walk/talk through them, I’d go to the hospital
@Mariah So once I’m to the point of finally crying? 😅
@Mariah I had a membrane sweep today and he said I was only dilated 1cm..
You’re probably in very early labour. I try to stay home for as long as I can handle the pain, when I can’t hold a convo anymore and breathing and concentrating through each and every contraction that’s when I point at the bags and say “let’s go! It’s time”. If you can still read these comments is probably not time 😂 for me that was after 25hrs of labour but listen to your body.
@Kellie Ugh its literally been 4hrs and I cannot sleep 🥲
Any update? Hope you are coping well!
I remember with my oldest I walked into the hospital having horrible contractions and I was only 1 cm. 15 minutes later they checked me and I was at a 3
@Desiree if this is your 2nd or so on, you will start to dilate much faster
@Brianne Was finally able to get some sleep around 6:30 am, still having contractions but they aren’t unbearable..
@Mariah Yes this will be my 2nd my induction was set for this Saturday 😅
Go in. My contractions were never the 522 or 511 whatever they say to follow and I was dilated to a five before I went in, but I went in 12 hours to go. you can take Benadryl to help you sleep.
How far along?