@Kim🌷 thank you for sharing that. That’s exactly what I hoped to hear! 🤞🏼
You could always ask for a bit of time after having your waters broken before immediately starting the drip to see if your body does it on its own
@Herbi thank you I will ask for that actually
My waters broke 5am and when I was 4cm they did VE and found more water so broke them again. 15 minutes later I was in active labour with intense contractions. They said the waters breaking can encourage more contractions!
@Caitlin hopefully the waters being broken get things moving!
I had this with my second but I was told to stay in hospital, I never got sent home at any stage. I found for me, it was the same as my first child’s birth, everything progressed the same, nothing seemed any different. When they broke my ‘front’ waters though, it got so much quicker and within 1.5 hours and pushing for three times she was out. I had no issues with benign induced, it all went smoothly for me. I’m sure it will for you too! Good luck mama, you got this 🫶♥️