My little girl is the same! Today she slept longer than 30 mins in her first nap. How long is your son sleeping in the night?
I’m the exact same and the 4 month regression has made his day naps only 20 minutes sometimes. He is a great sleeper at night so I keep thinking I’m lucky about the night sleep so I will deal with the bad day naps
My some will sleep if we are out and about in the pram for a long time lol so I bought a rocket the shacks the buggy but he still didn’t sleep longer then 30 mins. My son sleeps 10-12hours at night with about 2-3wake ups. I wouldn’t mind but I have been a nanny for 20 years and I have tried everything! I swear this kid is built different!
@Ali yes I am the same I prefer him sleep at night but omg I just wanna get some cleaning done lol I made him watch me clean the kitchen this morning haha
I do a mini 5 minute nap routine, put him in his room with blackout blinds and white noise. Been doing this about a month and he can sleep quite well by himself. It helps when they can self-settle so they can link sleep cycles themselves. Short naps at this age are normal though. Developmentally they should lengthen by 6 months.
Same, but he's happy when he wakes up so I just let it be.
My LG has 3/4 naps a day and attests 1 of them is at least 2 hours long. I have found extending her wake windows now to 2 hours each has helped the longer naps! She sleeps independently in her cot for every nap!
No advice, just to say we are in the same boat! The only time she will sleep longer than 30 mins is sometimes in the car seat and I wonder if it’s that feeling of closeness and being snug x