Is your baby sleeping through the night?

Curious to see where everyone is at. Sadly my LO has never done a full night. At most 5 hours but that was before regression hit. Ever since we started solids it has gotten a whole lot worse, 4-6 wakings. Really finding it hard, I feel so broken from lack of sleep. Don’t know what to do.
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I have been very lucky, my little one does sleep through the night.

Did u do any sleep training or any particular methods? Are u bottle or BF?

Yes, we have full nights here. She’s slept through since about 6/7 weeks old. Atm she goes to sleep about half 8/9 and wakes around 10am She does however have the odd day where she won’t settle until around midnight/ 1am

I am very tired 😴 it’s being hard with my second baby…my first was very good sleeper 😳

We’ve formula fed from birth because she had a favourite boob and wouldn’t latch properly. We personally have never done any sleep training and she just naturally started sleeping earlier. The only thing I changed was switching from the big light to the lamp at around 7pm

Same here my little one sleeps through the night about 10-12 hrs

We have never had a full nights sleep wakes up between 2-4 times a night I am very tired 😴

Yeah up 3-5 times a night I'm starting to feel incredibly depressed and exhausted

My LO is bottle fed and is now on 3 meals a day. He goes to sleep at 7ish and wakes up around 7 the following morning. I took aspects of sleep training I liked and applied them, like taking longer to help him settle, I also started sitting in the room with him and slowly moved out of his eye line. I never let him ugly cry but when he fussed I let him settle.

The most we've ever gotten is 5 hours in a row and that's happened like once or twice. Usually, he wakes up 2-3 times a night to feed (EBF) PLUS wakes up 1-2 times because his pacifier falls out. My husband started helping regularly in January with the pacifier wake ups and with putting him back to sleep after me nursing him, because I was getting depressed. But now we're both so thoroughly exhausted. We get one 2.5-3 hour block of uninterrupted sleep and that's what we've been surviving off of. You're not alone.

We get 6-8 in our first stretch, up for a short nurse 15m, and then another 3-4 hours. I feel like starting solids helped a lot. It wasn’t always this way haha. 4m sleep regression nearly killed us all. 🫠

EBF and I get 3 hours max. What I’d given for 5 hours in one go 😭😭

My little man sleeps AT THE MOMENT (everything with babies is a phase) from 8pm till 6-7am each night. We have very gently encouraged him to self-soothe if he wakes in the night but there are nights when he will wake up at 3am and won’t go back down without a change, a feed and a good cuddle.

My tip. Co sleep. You'll share sleep cycles and you'll both not fully wake. Dream feeds.

My baby sleeps through the night. I feel bad for having to wake him in the AM 😭

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Night time for us is 7ish-7ish with 1 wake usually although this last week we've had some MAJOR teething and very little sleep 😅 Luckily his 1 wake is usually just a quick feed back to sleep and doesn't take more than 20 minutes.

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