Daytime naps

I usually contact nap but I’m starting to put my baby in the next to me once a day. The first one I shut the curtains and put the noise machine on and the second I’ve kept the curtains open and just pottering around the house as I would (so not intentionally quiet). What’s everyone else doing? What are we ‘supposed’ to be doing? I’m worried he will get confused with night and day as he sleeps relatively well at night in his next to me, so I don’t want to confuse him 😬
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Following... I need to start getting away from contact naps so need all the advice and tips I can get

Day night confusion passes by like 2 months and the circadian rhythm is establishing so I don't think he'll get confused about day/night. I don't think there's a "supposed to", but I put my baby down for all naps at home in his room, mini 5 minute nap routine, blackout blinds and white noise. He does have about 1 nap a day in the pram so hopefully he'll keep being able to nap out as well. This hasn't interfered with night sleep, he sleeps well at night.

Like above my little boy has all his daytime naps (while we are at home) in his next me, dark room, sound machine on, it never caused any day/night confusion and if anything I think it made his night sleep better! When I moved away from contact naps I started with doing all his day naps in the Moses in living room and once he’d been able to do that I gradually moved his naps to upstairs x

Interesting to know that people are still having a dark room and sound machine! Thanku! Xx

My baby is still napping/sleeping after breastfeeding. Any tips to disassociate it?

@Nadia does your baby only go to sleep after breastfeeding or can they go to sleep another way? Basically you can either swap to another method of settling them or gradually stop by unlatching a little before they fall asleep. If they protest pop back on but keep trying. Then unlatch earlier and earlier until they can go to sleep just being held. Then swap to helping them settle in crib. Gradually reduce support until they can self-settle. I'm impatient so I went straight for settling in crib but my baby was used to falling asleep in different ways like carrier, pram etc.

@Tanya yes, she only goes to sleep after breastfeeding :/ I tried everything you said but it didn't work. I think I should keep trying anyway

When people are putting baby down in next to me are you; 1) holding them to sleep and then putting them down 2) putting them in awake and sitting with them and putting a hand on them etc and picking them up when they cry 3) putting them in awake and leaving the room/hiding and picking them up when they cry My friend puts her baby down awake and then hides but i feel like for my baby that’s really distressing - but she does also cry if I am sitting with her. I use white noise and dark room too What methods do you use and why? I’m worried about causing abandonment etc issues as she hates going down in her next to me but I know it’s probably necessary she’s 5 months nearly

@Laura I put him down awake then leave, he doesn't cry he turns his head a bit, slams his legs down, sucks his thumb, babbles to himself. In the beginning obviously he did get upset sometimes, so I generally sang to him over the monitor which calmed him down. This worked for naps. Bedtime was harder so then I might go in his room and sing, pick him up, then if it got to 30 minutes of trying I gave in and fed to sleep then tried again the next day. He's my second baby and they are similar in terms of sleep. I find going in winds them up more but both of them could be sung to sleep. They didn't like patting/shushing either.

@Laura I put him down awake at night and lie next to him (out of sight) until he falls asleep, sometimes quicker than others but max it will take is 5 - 10 minutes. I’ve just started putting him in the day but he does need abit more soothing so I put him in awake and shh him and rub his belly. He does have a dummy, this helps loads as he soothes with that x

If he cries I’ll just pop his dummy back in

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