@Christina thank you!! I’m giving these a try but transferring has been difficult. I’ve been having a lot of false starts and have to start the process all over again. I’m exhausted 🥲
I had trouble transferring as well. My girl had to fall asleep in our arms while we walked around or she fed to sleep. I tried a few things to improve transferring success: - warm up his bed so it's warm like being next to you, I would use a heating pad to warm it up and then remove the pad before putting her in bed - wait 5 min after he's asleep to transfer. What I've read about sleep cycles says it takes up to 5min to be in a deeper sleep and sleep cycles are 20-40min so they be in a lighter sleep after 20min. I try to transfer after 5min but before 20min. There are more things you can try for transferring but I don't remember them. These 2 suggestions helped my girl but everyone is different.
I know waiting 5min can be brutal in the middle of the night, but every time I tried to put my girl down in her bed less than 5min after she fell asleep, she'd always wake up.
I haven't been in this situation, but a few suggestions I can think of are: - sidelying feed to sleep and transfer to him to his own bed (crib/cot/pack n play/ etc) - feed to sleep while you're sitting up and then transfer him to his bed - keep doing what you're doing now but start layering other sleep associations so you can eventually stop feeding to sleep but keep the other sleep association Sorry I don't have any other advice.