@Parker 又 I don’t have insta so I can’t see what it says
If I drink tonight and pump once at about in the middle of the night and throw away do you think that will be okay?
@Parker 又 thank you! My boyfriend is here all night so that won’t be a problem as he usually takes night shift so I can sleep so I won’t be doing baby’s cares
(: idk if that posted perfectly timed between the two but hopefully the important bits are there & help calm some anxieties or worries (:
@Parker 又 thank you !!!
Here’s the last part that gets cut off
It’s not the alcohol content passed to milk that’s the issue with BF and drinking, it’s the fact that SIDS and suffocation risk is much higher. Follow the safe 9 and don’t cosleep etc things like that, are the issue and not the breastmilk itself. You say you have your bf there sober all night, and that’s ideal. Wouldn’t want to be tipsy all on your own around baby that’s all.
If you pump you don’t have to dump save that milk for lotion or bath or cradle cap or bum rash etc.
@Kellie thank you! So my first pump I Should not give to baby ?
Like first pump after drinking ?
First pump after drinking I’d just bag and save for a bath!
If you pump before you drink and wait at least 2 hours to pump again you don't have to dump
You don’t need to pump and dump you can pump and give to baby anytime.
If you can safely hold your baby is safe for them to drink your milk