Am I wrong for blocking my baby daddy?

I don’t know if I’m wrong but I feel as if my baby’s father isn’t being really more so providing me with the mental and physical support I need as he said he would, the baby isn’t even close to being here yet either , I get the becoming a dad thing is pretty much stressful for them alone but I feel there’s no comparing who’s got it worst here at all. I tried to open up about how I’m feeling because I’ve been extremely exhausted and stressed out lately and he also asked how I felt, and instead of just being there for me he sits there and criticizes me . So after that I just decided to block him and I’m not sure I’ll ever decide to unblock him anytime soon as I feel he just adds on to the problems with me right now.
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You do what you have to do to protect your peace and mental health. Pregnancy is stressful enough if he’s not helping then he’s hurting.

You're the one growing a human with your body. There's very little excuse for him to claim to have it worse than you. Growing a baby is enough work, but having the stress of a bad ex on top of that makes it a lot harder. Do what you need to stay healthy for you and your baby.

Comparison is the thief of joy . Hormones are a bish. Resentment is real .Do what you feel is best for you and baby.

i blocked my bd and it was the best decision i ever made. especially during pregnancy and even now

Do what you think is best for you and the health of baby stress is bad so if blocking him makes you less stressed then it was the right move BUT if u choose to after baby to unblock then so be it but I wouldn't recommend if brest feeding

Never block them because they can use it against you in court just practice discipline and ignore.

@Eviee well considering I’m only 10 weeks there’s not much he can do on that subject right now, I’m gonna unblock him eventually but for now I just want peace and mind not more stress which he’s causing

@Rhiannon Yes I planned on breast feeding I think he’d be much different when the babies here but right now ion think anything has hit him n that’s fine but i don’t counting on him for anything , I’m military so I have everything and all the resources I need for the baby before they even get here

@Lianna exactly and PLEASE can I talk about how he picked me up the other day drunk driving with his friend and I was extremely upset about it rightfully so I was pissed he’d even offer to pick me up intoxicated and driving with me and his unborn child, and I didn’t find out until he drove off and it started to smell like alcohol, his friend was also drunk and had his pregnant fiancee in the back with me , extremely irresponsible of him and childish , I screamed at him after because he put me in a situation where my life and my baby’s life were in jeopardy ALONG with someone else’s and there baby and he sat there and explained “oh my grandfather passed away this day and it’s been a lot for me” and I simply said I didn’t care about the reason he was drinking that’s not the point of this entire argument and that was insensitive on my part but I was extremely upset i did apologized later after calming down but Jesus dude

So he has to cut his shit if he wants to be in contact and there for the birth since stress will ruin your chance to breast feed (stress drops supply) and if you don't a c section and give brith vaginally he can't be there causing stress cuase it can make you need an emergency c section

That's insane that he picked you up and drove with you while he was drunk! Like @Rhiannon said, sure will cause a lot of issues for you and baby. I left my ex while I was 30 weeks pregnant. He caused me a ton of stress and it was likely part of the reason my pregnancy became high risk. I developed pre-eclampsia and the placenta also died. My baby was only in the 1st percentile when she was born, still is. I had a very low milk supply as well. So what you need to have me stress in your life. If he gets his crap together then you can look into letting him actually see your baby, but he needs to get it together before that. I also recommend trying to collect evidence of what he's been doing, like the drunk driving, just in case he tries to bring you to court for custody.

Oh okay yeh i definitely understand that. I did the same 💀 9 months of peace before the bitter deadbeat storm 🙄😂 I do hope things get better for ya love. 💜 protect your peace even after, I just mute and ignore 💀

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