I don't think you need to do lots at this age tbh. It's good if they get used to being plopped down and entertaining themselves so they learn to play by themselves as they get older. I generally do tummy time as long as he'll tolerate. He can spin in a circle now so I put a circle of toys around him. When he gets fed up put him on his back under play gym. Maybe put him in jumperoo. Or put him in the bouncer and he follows me round the house as I do housework and I play nursery rhymes on Alexa. I read him a book before each nap and bedtime & sing a song. We go into town once a week and on the weekend go out each day with 3 year old and hubby usually. Yesterday went to the park.
My baby doesn’t smile at me from her pram because she doesn’t like being strapped in so gets a cob on about it. Also, if he doesn’t like being out, maybe take him in the garden for 10-15 mins in the day to get some fresh air in him but also keep you and him happy x
We do tummy time, go swimming every Friday, at home baby sensory with projector lights, music and sensory toys, singing songs, reading books, have a selection of toys that we rotate regularly so that he doesn’t get bored of having the same ones all the time, he loves water so I do sensory bath time with him where I put the projector light on in the bathroom and have plenty of different bath toys x