@Jami Maybe tomorrow I’ll just try cuddling back to sleep then. Just hard to know coz she tends to finish her bottle when it’s given at that time too. She doesn’t always finish every bottle during the day either but I definitely don’t want her reliant on feeding at this time!
I also have to let my girl in the bed and cuddle her back to sleep x
My LG is the same! Wakes around 4/4.30 but is just restless, sucks her hands and very occasionally makes babbling noises but never cries. I always comfort her (She is in the next 2 me) so I stroke her face, give her dummy back but don’t get her out or feed her until 6am earliest. We’ve been stuck in this cycle for around 2 weeks and struggling to change it 😩 she used to sleep 7-7 so 4am get ups are killing me.
Ours becomes a bit unsettled at this time quite often. I don’t feed I just cuddle him and he falls back to sleep. He gets enough milk in the day on 6/7 oz every 3 hours, and we do a dream feed around 10/10.30pm. 4-5am is a time they often can become a bit unsettled, room temp drops, sleep cycles ect. You know your baby best and if they’re hungry or not but ours isn’t and just needs resettled. Also trying to keep night feeds from happening unless he is obviously hungry, so he doesn’t become reliant on needing or expecting to be fed in order to go back to sleep as he gets older. X