@Egzona Same with us! It’s so hard trying to navigate naps aswel with the earlier wakes x
Iv been napping him anywhere between 10-11 for 2hours and then he goes to bed at 7. He’s been like this for a while now. I can’t nap him any later because then he won’t go to bed at 7. I can’t shorten the nap either because he can’t hack it. He also can’t hack staying up any more then that in the morning too so I get it so difficult
Yes before she was in a good routine of sleeping around 7:30/8ish and waking up at 6:45ish but now she gets up at 5/5:30 but she’s also now waking up 2x in the night screaming and standing by the door which I can’t seem to understand why🤦🏽♀️
Glad we are not the only ones going through it! Our little girl will wake up around 6 and just scream until we get her out of her cot. She used to sleep 10-12 hours a night too xx
yep 4am regularly 🫠
We’ve had terrible sleep the last few nights and then she woke at 4am today. I managed to get her back to sleep around 5am luckily for a couple more hours x
Can anyone explain why the screaming happens? The waking up is maybe down to sleep regression or growing pains or even teething but the screaming I have no idea.
We had this for 2/3 months. Hv called out and advice to us was offer a supper of weetabix or toast directly before bed and it has worked to prevent the wake up. Give this after dinner but don’t offer any snack or food 2pm-5pm to build an appetite.
No if anything the opposite! Mine went to bed at 6.30pm shattered and got up at 9 am 😳😳
See mine will have a small snack between 2-4 and then has dinner around 5:30-6ish depending on the day of she’s at nursery or not. And then shower, has a bottle to fill her up in bed falls asleep and then wakes up around 1am and then is awake at 5. I’m going to call the hv tomorrow to see what they say because I also have a 6 month too and with the eldest one screaming it wakes her up and my husband works nights so it’s difficult for me rn
Yeah these 5am mornings killing me he’s always been an early riser 6/6.30 but 5am is a lot