I’m 11 weeks postpartum with a second degree tear. My stitches didn’t even fully dissolve until 7 weeks and I could still see some rawness where the stitches were until like 9 weeks. I’ve had sex 3 times and it still hurts. It’s only upon entering bc everything obv felt normal inside right away. The thrusts hurt too bc of it rubbing right on the opening where my tear was. Good luck
Ehh 4-5 wks both previous pregnancies one was an episiotomy & the other I tore/had grazes. Communication, foreplay & lots of lube is the other advice I can offer. It was pretty painless for me both times
we did it at 7 weeks. i had about 3-4 stitches from birth and they were totally healed by the time we tried, but it hurt pretty bad the first time :/ it felt very tight, like the first time ever having sex. it took several tries to not feel any pain, but after about a month it went back to normal. i’m glad i didn’t try anything sooner, even though i felt like i wanted to 😅 just take it slow, make sure you’re in control and it’ll be okay
A few months after. Its not safe until you are fully healed internally, not just your stitches. Average is 6 weeks. I had a previous hip injury that got worse after pregnancy. Made sex very uncomfortable. I was in physio for over a year
@Amanda were your stitches internal? I’m terrified because I can’t even see up there where the stitches are really to know what’s going on 😅
I had an episiotomy so was stitched and the external stitches came apart at day 7 😕 I wasn't fully healed until 11 weeks pp so we didn't have sex until then as I wanted to make sure I was fully healed first. I'd make sure you ask the Dr to check your stitches at your 6 week check as they'll be able to tell you if it's healed and advise if it's not, how long it will take x
So I am about 3 weeks 3 days postpartum and just had sex for the first time… I had a small tear from what I was told but I was in the same boat as you. I was thinking about it non stop and wanted it pretty badly lol. I know my body and have felt myself go back to normal down there so we decided to try and it was 10/10 great. We took it very slow but it was great!!