Terrible nights

Hi, Having some terrible nights with my 14 month old. She goes to bed fine and will sleep until about 1:30 and then wake up. She used to go back to sleep if she was in bed with me but now she spends about 2 hours jusy tossing and turning and crying and thrashing around trying to get back to sleep. In the end I give up and give her a bottle of milk whilst helps 70 percent of the time but not always. Anyone else the same or have any advice ? Should she be having night feeds?
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Ahhhhh same here!!! This is literally what we are dealing with atm but I don't give him milk as I'm hoping it's just a phase x

We had this for about 4-6 weeks and nothing we did helped! Thankfully it seems to have ended now so not sure if it was a phase or because he was teething / poorly. Hopefully it doesn’t last too long for you guys 🤞🏼❤️

Exabtly the same here. I also give her milk to settle which seems to work most of the time. But last night she was just tossing and turning to the point I had to just put her back in her cot, she would cry so I would go in, put her back down again then leave, did this a few times until she fell asleep. She still ended up in my bed at 5:30am though 😂😭😭😭

Funnily enough, this happened to us last night, went to bed fine then woke about 1am screaming and crying and wouldn’t settle. In the end we gave in and she slept with us but took her a good couple of hours to settle 🥴

Same here! Was up for 2.5 hours last night. Couldn’t console her. Think she’s teething but it is awful I was crying last night as yesterday she woke at 4 and I’d been awake since then. I am so tired! She ends up in my bed anyway from 10ish anyway and usually ‘wakes’ a couple of times but goes straight back to sleep. But last couple of nights crying out, tossing and turning. I hope it ends soon!!! 😢😴

Yes could of wrote this myself! Had a few bad nights with her a few weeks ago. ( Our LG has never been a good sleeper but felt like we'd given up on trying to get her back to sleep in her own cot ) And for the first time we brought her into our bed. She slept fine the first few nights, but now she tosses and turns for at least an hour before she falls asleep and then sometimes cries out. Think we may need to do some sleep training to get her back into her cot 🙈

Here are my people 🙌🏼 the split nights are actually THE WORST. It’s killing me. I’ve got an almost 3 year old who went through the same around this age and I know it passes but Christ alive 2am is NOT party time. I don’t even offer milk as it hasn’t settled her at night for MONTHS. But here in solidarity with you all 🩷

@Alice is she upset when she wakes? My son has started doing this although he has been sick so I don’t know wether it’s that or another regression / teething etc 😢

14 month old and terrible nights lately here too. He has four teeth coming out so I assumed that is making him very unsettled

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