Two of 40min/1 hr. And one of 2/2.30 hr
@Dana I take my six month old out in his pram for naps otherwise he doesn’t nap, he stays asleep the whole time, maybe try that
@Ellie ah yes I’ve tried that, very rarely she’ll have a nap up to an hour but even in the pram she wakes after 30 minutes most of the time 😭 so I’ve given up now and have just accepted it
@Dana she said to extend his wake windows by 15 mins each day and then he will nap longer. We tried it and had a very overtired screaming baby who still only napped for 30 mins 😅
@Nadia how do you get 2 hour naps? Is this contact or in the crib? I’d dream off him having a long nap like that
My baby has pretty much exact same routine and nap lengths and I’m just leaving her to it. Would rather she sleep through if she’s happy that way. I tried to extend wake windows and she was miserable for a whole week and since moving back she’s absolutely fine again x
My girl’s naps are always dependent on how early she wakes. When she was in the habit of waking at 7am I could get 3 naps out of her with one of those being around 1 hour 45mins. These days she wakes more like 6am so she needs that 4th nap. She doesn’t have long naps when we’re out either so they are usually 30mins.
@Dana exactly this! I have issues with sleep schedules I see online because I’m like you can’t make your baby nap for a specific time??? It’s more helpful to see a nap schedule just with the start time but when I see it like 10am-11:15am I’m like well yeah that would be ideal if it happened 😂
She only sleep contact nap in the bed with me. I use this time to rest, take a nap with her or listen a podcast
Mine has 4 sometimes even 5!! Sleeps 11-12hrs at night, naps 25-50mins and in bed by 18:30
Honestly in the same position my baby can even nap more than 4 times if we’re in and out of the car all day as she likes to drop off if I’m driving somewhere but her naps are short literally 20-30 minutes at a time physically impossible to let a baby have 3 naps on such short napping all It will do is make them tired and groggy x
@Emily does your baby sleep through the night from 18:30 until morning or do you do a dream feed? Mine goes for 10/10.5 hours without a feed overnight but I’m scared if I put her down any earlier, she will wake in the night for a feed and I don’t want that. But I also don’t really wanna wake her up for a feed if she is down for the night
Did the health visitor give you any advice on how to do 3 naps if baby only sleeps for a maximum of 40 minutes at a time? 😅 because I personally can’t physically force my LO to sleep any more than 30 minutes so it would be impossible for us to drop a nap. If she did like a two hour nap in the middle of the day then having 3 naps would work but otherwise it just doesn’t. I’m struggling with this as well and my baby does the exact same as yours. Bedtime at 9 and wakes up at 6-7, before this she would wake for a feed at 6:30 and go back to sleep till 9 but now she’s up for the day at 7am latest 😩