Introducing a bottle

My LO is EBF but it’s absolutely taking its toll on me she feeds constantly or just wants to use me as a pacifier. The HV advised introducing a bottle maybe 1-2 feeds but we have tried 3 brands now, Tommee Tippee, MAM and Nano Bebe and she really won’t take any of them. How did everyone introduce a bottle to their EBF baby if they have? Also how do you introduce a dummy? Or is there a brand for EBF babies that you recommend? We’ve tried Tommee Tippee and NUK momfeel ones but she gagged on those, the HV said to try introduce to stop her thinking as soon as she wakes up or gets her bum changed she is hungry 🙈 it’s proving almost impossible to get her to take these!
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I’ve read and heard that minbie bottles are good for breastfed babies, no personal experience though

I haven’t introduced a bottle to mine yet, but saved this Instagram post for when I do as they had a few different brands they recommend

Have you tried cup feeding? We were recommended expressing into a cup at 5 days so hubby can do some cup feeding and take the pressure off. We then transitioned to mam bottles, size 0 teat after a week. It's worked really well as they have a similar tongue action lapping vs sucking. Hubby gives 2 feeds a day now if expressed milk via bottle to give me some rest, 1 in evening and another overnight x

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