I don’t change my ones nappy - she sleeps 8pm - 6.30am. No issues as of yet x
I don’t unless she’s poo’d xx
I find if I don’t change my little one’s nappies, 1 he doesn’t feed properly very slow and I want to go back to sleep myself and 2 by the morning the nappies has all leaked out the side and everything is wet.
I don't unless until he's awake, he only poos during the day every 2 days usually so I haven't had a night one to contend with yet but that would be the only reason I would change him
For me if he wakes for a feed which he usually does between 2 and 4 am then I do it. If he was sleeping through then obviously wouldn't wake him for it. I do get paranoid though as we've had afew times where he's leaked at that nappy change and its soaked but the nappy is always super heavy like he's been lots
Mine gets really fussy if she's the slightest bit damp in the night. She wakes twice, and I just change her mid-feed
Nope not until the morning. I changed every feed with my first born. I’ve learnt with my second 😂
I started off by changing the nappy every time she woke for a feed and despite doing it before feeding, found it woke her up and she would scream and it took ages to settle her back down even after food as she was more awake. Now I leave the nappy for longer and just feed her when she wakes and she goes straight back off to sleep and it's so so much easier for us both!
I also only change if he wakes up, but I have had a couple of leaks (but he did epic 9 hour sleeps those nights.). As long as he’s only had one bottle since I put him in a clean nappy for bed it’s generally ok.
I do a clean nappy at 11pm before I go to bed & leave that one on until we wake up. I found that Aldi nappies would always leak and need changing in the night but Asda nappies have been a godsend!!
Oh god yeah, it’s been a complete game changer for us in all honesty because he’s not bothered (unless there’s a leak!). If it’s poo then of course but like you say nappies are designed to keep it in!