I was going through similar issues on my right side. I have been alternating positions which helped a little. My lactation consultant recommended I also call my OB to request a prescription for all purpose nipple ointment which really helped speed up healing.
I had this problem, and I ended up getting blistered/cracked nipples, I took a week break from latching her and just pumped and gave her a bottle for that week. Try using lansinoh lanolin nipple butter after every feed and lansinoh cooling gel pads. Some people even swear by the silverettes
My 3 week old latches differently on each side. Her new thing is when she is done on one side she literally pulls my nipple. The silverettes have been super helpful, as well as the earth mama nipple cream. As far as latching trial and error is a huge part in finding a position to feed and it can be different on each side. One thing that did help some is lifting my nipple up a little and stroking the side of my daughter’s face so their mouth opens wider.
Yess so painful !! I’ve stop bf and started exclusively pumping bc I just couldn’t take the pain it got really bad. However what helped my bf journey was those Ice packs for the nipples/boobs they really relieved a lot of pain
When I get super sore using a nipple shield has helped its not recommended for long term but just until you heal up a bit. Trying new positions can also be helpful when feeding, with my first baby laying on my side to feed helped with a deeper latch. all babies and bodies are different so it’s definitely a bit of trial and error.. I’m on my third baby and have breastfed for 3 years all together and I’m still learning new things with my newborn. just remember you are both still learning and it will get better!
I used silverretes and alternated between them and earth mama nipple balm. The pain went away after a few weeks but it’s painful in the beginning
I struggled as well. What i learned was to push more of my breast into her mouth. Now she is 1 month and no more pain
Hyrdogel patches are a god send, instant relief, and help heal cracked nipples. Switching positions could also help if the baby isn't latching correctly. I'm breastfeeding baby #3 it took a little over 2 weeks to get past the painful part. You got this it gets better!
Depending on what position you hold her in, try pointing your nipple towards her nose so that she has to open wider to take it in. Then guide her head so that her bottom jaw makes contact with your breast first. This should help her get more of your breast in her mouth. Sore nipples in the beginning are part of the process though sadly as you practice getting the technique down, but they should definitely get better once technique improves. YouTube vids also help!