If you had the income and resources: would you send your child (kindergarten- high school age) to a boarding school.

** A boarding school is an educational institution at which the majority of enrolled students reside. While some schools allow local students to commute to and from campus, most boarding school students eat, sleep, live, and learn on their school's campus, generally only returning to their homes for school breaks.
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This is all fake so obviously your response isn’t set a stone.

I went to a boarding school. It depends on the child. My parents made me go. If my kids wanted to go to one we’d let them.

No definitely not. Boarding schools are great for a child academically but terrible for them psychologically and mentally. I think family time is so important.

depends on the kid, their age & the reasons for wanting to go. i wouldn’t suggest it unless they brought it up. i knew lots of kids who went away to boarding schools & most of the reasons were bc they were super smart & then a few were sent there by their parents bc of “discipline issues” but all of them thrived & are doing really well today. i would have loved a boarding school. i also think its interesting of all the people i know who attended boarding school, none are female.

I only knew of one person that went to boarding school… my old roommate from college… she never shared any positive experiences and I feel like it contributed to her trichotillomania

I actually really enjoyed boarding school for the most part. Not all aspects of it. But most of it. I do wish I had been allowed to go to my first choice school. Instead of the one my parents wanted me to go to.

No we’d still homeschool just would travel more

Definitely not I’m very serious about teaching all of my children directly , & maintaining control over their educational experience in its entirety for the most part. Also the family component is very important to me as well I would never move our minors away from us as a family for schooling. It would be very unlikely for this to occur in our home

No, unless we lived close enough to commute and they wanted to. But otherwise no. They'll have plenty of time to live on their own and away from family when they're adults.

I would either do boarding school or private school that way I know exactly what's being taught and I have a little more control A lot of public schools are just total trash and I have to combat and unteach a lot of the garbage that they're teaching in public schools My almost 4-year-old came home confused telling me that he was a "girl" because his daycare teachers were teaching him garbage that is completely inappropriate for kids things that 4-year-olds should not know about and is not an appropriate subject matter it would definitely be better to have the money to control that situation better instead of having to unteach all this garbage mental illness should not be put on kids

Hell no. Kids should be with their families. Also I know someone who was sent to boarding school and it is actually a very heartbreaking story.

No I want to see my children, not just at holidays or weekends

When I was growing up, every clever kid was sent to boarding school. I got the grades to enter, and I wanted to apply (at 12 years old). My dad (probably the only dad I knew) rejected the idea altogether. I was perplexed. But he explained that when you leave your family, your friends become your priority. You would come home from boarding, and all you want to do is hang out with your friends. Family time will become a chore for you, which makes sense. My husband was sent to boarding school at the age of 9. He hated it growing up and can only see the good side of it once he has grown up. He has abandonment issues and doesn't have a great r’ship with his family. True enough, his friends became his family, and all he wanted to do when he came home for the weekend was hang out with his friends. Dinner with his family was a chore he just wanted to be done with. So, no, we will not be sending our kids to boarding school.

No This would not work for my family. We involve ourselves in family time a lot. If this abruptly changed, we would not be okay. The separation would send me into a depression in itself🤣 I would miss my kids entirely too much.

Depends on the age. I went to boarding school when I was 16 and that was a good experience for me. I had classmates who’d been in boarding school since they were six or seven and…well, they had issues.

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