Same as above, no advice but in the same boat! Been cosleeping since about 6m and he's now 15m, he just won't stay in his own bed. I think it's pretty common for babies and children to want to be with someone in bed!
I know it's easier for me to comment as I don't have this concern.. but my son never slept through the night till a couple of weeks ago ( 20 months old) and I always think we as adults wake up multiple times or in this case even we like to cuddle with our partners so it's understandable if our babies want the same. If you're really struggling...maybe try a toddler floor bed? One of my friends has transitioned to one and loving it. That way she can cuddle with her son and then come back to her bed when he's asleep
My baby is 13months and is exactly the same 😭 last night I had to just put her in her cot again at 3am cos I just couldn’t deal with the tossing and turning from her in my bed. Then I had to keep leaving and returning to settle her back down until she fell asleep. So no advice here sorry but hoping someone will have some 🥹