@Maria that’s exactly what my partner has to do if I am not home for bedtime! To be honest I think both of them coming is our only option other than my partner letting her cry it out when I’m not here which isn’t something we would ever want to do. The meeting is at Alton Towers so he could take her to CBeebies land during the day 😂
My baby is exactly like this so no advice sorry! Sometimes my partner can rock him to sleep but then he will just wake up when he puts him down again. I’d probably just get them to come with you as it’ll be less stressful for everyone x
@Darcy well that sounds like a fun outcome to me!! 😂
I used a dummy to transition off boob to sleep. Maybe your OH can give a tiny bit of milk like 40ml if she'll take the bottle and then pop the dummy in straight after, it's such a small amount of milk she probably wouldn't need to burp. But if she's 8 months she's possibly waking out of habit so he could try the dummy instead of milk through the night?
I had to come back from a girls weekend when my first was about 8 months 😅 she was ebf and very attached night time! My husband ended up walking the streets with her in the pram at 3am 😅 she’s 3 now and sleeps independently and through the night if that helps 😅 xxx
My baby is exactly like this. The other thing that my husband can do is put him in the carrier and just pace around but longest he's done is 3 hours and then brought him back to feed. I have no idea how we'd manage an overnight 😬 hopefully somebody has some advice! Any change your partner and baby could come too? So you'd be able to support her through the night?