Mental health

A couple months ago I begged my husband for help. I talked about being sent away to get my head right. I don’t live near my family and the only option was if his parents could watch our kids (his mom doesn’t work and his dad is always away for work) so I thought maybe it could work. Well nothing has happened from that and I just can’t seem to get out of this headspace. It’s like the whole conversation about me wanting to commit is thrown out the window, something I just had to put on the back burner. But I’m drowning. I’m sad and so angry 24/7. I’ve always had issues with my mental health since I was younger. I’ve tried to commit twice, and my husband knows that. And when I say I was begging him…I literally was on my knees crying for help. Another reason nothing happened to is because we dont have insurance. And I just don’t even know where to turn because of that. Really really drowning here.
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Hey, send me a message and we can talk.

I’m willing to listen and help in any way I can. HMU ❤️ you don’t have to go through this alone

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m a psych NP. I’m willing to help in anyway🥺.

You deserve to experience motherhood at peace & you deserve a hubby that takes your cries 4 help seriously !! You shouldn’t have 2 beg 4 help !! But it’s okay, a lot of women are struggling w mental health including myself! It’s easier said than done 4 sure but once you set time aside 4 this, you will see results. Take matters into your own hands & talk w his parents yourself girl! This is a priory! Sometimes we think others will want 2 make sure we’re okay & the harsh truth is that when you have the wrong ppl in your life, they won’t. So be your own hero & do what you have 2 do. Without you, your kids would probably lose their minds. As mothers, we have THE MOST important job. Some women get extra help & have the village they need & some are doing it all alone & working w what they got & create their own village.💓You were made 4 this. Your body brings souls into earth ! There’s nothing you can’t overcome ! Remember those aren’t your thoughts !! 💚

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