Sleep regression success stories!?

Getting desperate here.. my 5 month old hit the regression after good sleep just after Christmas and it still hasn’t got any better. The naps have really improved and he doesn’t mind being in his cot, but night times are still 2 hour waking’s then up for the day at 5am. Trying gentle sleep training which works sometimes but makes no difference to night times. The one night I go out he feeds in the evening and then not again till I return at 1am. He stirred my husband was able to put him back down again as he didn’t want any milk!? I’m struggling as I can’t see a way out and I have a toddler so it’s very hard some days to get any sort of nap routine in place. Any success stories please!?
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What worked for us was looking at how many hours he sleeps in a 24 hour period. Before 4 months we could let him nap loads during the day and he'd still sleep at night. I noticed that if he napped more than 4.5 hours during the day, his night sleep wouldn't be great. When we started managing his naps and making sure he didn't sleep more than 14 hours in a 24 hours period and had a 2 hour wake window before bedtime, we got through it quite quickly. I get it all babies are different and don't need the same amount of sleep. Our boy was sleeping through the night and now he's teething so there's just always some bump in the road 😅

Hadn’t thought about that but guess they are now not needing as much sleep! Thank you for the advice, I’ll try this. Yes he’s also teething, just noticed a little tooth coming through so sure that’s not helping.

Sometimes I find though, because there is no proper nap routine, he may end up having a longer lucnutime nap, and by the time he wakes up at 3.30isj it’s too short a wake window for another afternoon nap but too long a wake window before bedtime. Sometimes he’s gone nearly 4 hours awake before bed!

I know some people are fed up with hearing about wake windows but we run 2 hour ones and we do put him down between 5-5.30 just for a short 30-45 minute nap so we can put him down for the night around 8pm x

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