Do you go to him straight away? If so, if he's not crying you could leave him a while to give him the chance to practice falling asleep by himself.
@Jessy so tiring isn’t it😩
@Tanya I try to leave him until he starts crying, he doesn’t usually last long before he starts crying, I’m not really sure how to help him settle independently it’s tough
We’re in the same boat. My baby doesn’t self settle. I’m not stressing about it as he’s still little (5 months) so still needs me to help settle him either through rocking and or feeding (EBF) him back to sleep. We’ve had some rocky nights the past few weeks and I think trying to teach him to self settle would just be more distressing for everyone involved so I just do what he needs me to do right now. Just keep telling myself these things will come in time but we’re very much surviving not thriving in the nights right now 😅
We’re just coming out of this brutal bit. It was just over 2 weeks for us and now he’s getting 4 hours after that first chunk of sleep. I try settling him without picking him up, it took about 5 mins of me patting, shushing and singing twinkle twinkle so get him to settle down but it did work. I also didn’t offer breast unless it had been over 4 hours. It’s totally normal and it will end soon, you got this!
I am in the same boat. It’s really exhausting 😓