Omg I’m so sick of this 🥴

I love breastfeeding my daughter ! I think it’s great she’s getting her nutrients and it’s pretty easy for me up to this point and great for bonding(child finding comfort in you) but mannnnn I am so sick of it, she’s 20 months old and I feel like she’s still constantly on the boob ! Omg 😳 like she barely eats her food and then 15 minutes later she keeps asking for milk milk milk , or when we’re out she keeps asking for milk and I can’t just pull my boob out in the middle of Tesco she’s nearly two, i am going insane 😭 like for her age she shouldn’t be on the boob all day and it’s affecting my ability to do anything (or so I feel like today I’m so annoyed ) how do you wean ? Please help, my daughter is very demanding and I am parenting alone so I always give in, I can’t have anymore stress in my life my head hurts 😅😂What’s the easiest way to get her to leave me alone and start eating normal food ? Thank you
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Just have to be really strict and say no. I day weaned my daughter at about 16 months as she was getting more and more demanding like this. It was tough, and she wasn’t happy, but she’s used to it now and rarely asks.

At this age, she will need explanation of why you are weaning m. Just withdrawing it is maybe effective, but does not meet her needs. I’m not an expert, but I’ve heard some women say their breasts are tired at certain times. Try this book which is excellent

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