Car seat hell

Hi, I'd like to know if anyone has been on the same boat and how things evolved. My girl is 8 months and HATES her car seat. She will be okay for 30 min and then yells non-stop. A 1h30 trip easily takes us 3h30. It is near impossible to make her sleep in the seat, or make her sleep and then put her in the seat. I was supposed to meet with friends today for the first time in a year and I rocked her to sleep and tried 5 times to put her in the seat with no luck. Didn't even manage to leave the parking... So we are not going and I am just so sad to have to sacrifice yet another thing. She's breastfed so I cannot leave for the whole day as she won't take a bottle. I have also work events and conferences often, my husband always takes a day off to come with us and look after her but we always end up having arguments because we take hours to go home. She's honestly the greatest baby ever but I am having such a hard time with her sleeping and her being in the car. She won't sleep unless held (even for naps) and won't chill in the car. Is this going to get better or should I get ready for a lifetime of car ride hell?
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You just have to let them cry you can’t keep not going out because they’re crying. My boy used to be the same and he thankfully grew out of it but they aren’t a new born anymore they are fine to cry. Have you tried a different car seat? Understand this isn’t easy if you cannot afford it. Have you given toys or something to distract them? Have you tried different times to put them in there for example after breakfast/lunch/milk but not too close incase it’s stomach pains..

Hey! Has she got a history of reflux or tongue tie? Does she have a preference to feed on one breast over the other? Does she have a head side preference? X

I'm sorry that you couldn't meet your friends and just wanted to say I've been there, my 20 month old never took to a bottle and is still breastfeeding a couple of times a day.but we got there in the end so hang in there. On the car seat, there are a few different things you can try. 1. If you have one of the car seats that goes from 0-3/4 years, check if the infant insert needs to be taken out. She might be getting too big for it. 2. Get a mirror if you haven't got one already, helps you and her to see each other 3. You could try fiddle toys like the suction one that stick on the windows. 4. My son loves for me to sing during the drive to calm him, I'm obviously not talking about the whole ride but maybe try and put on her favorite songs or just sing a bit for her, she could just be feeling lonely in the back and your voice will let her know that you are around.

5. Having something else familiar, like her favorite soft toy or blanket might make her comfortable 6. Lastly, I try to avoid this but might just be a last resort option, have 'special' snacks just for the car, obviously something that she loves. Also, maybe just sit in the back of the car with a few times or do a few practice runs when you're not actually stressed and in a rush to go somewhere... Just a drive to get her used to it

Sounds like she could also have car sickness?x

Our nearly 9m old was ok in the car and then suddenly hated it!! Cried every journey, it was so painful! So I feel you on this! And sorry about your meet up Some things that have helped us: Playing The Happy Song by Imogen Heap He has a mirror but we also added some entertainment which I was sceptical about but he seems to enjoy Then he does have a dummy so having this clipped onto the car seat so he can put it in if he wants it Timing car journeys to nap times where possible - this is hit and miss tbh! Hope it gets better soon for you!

MY daughter was the same just hated being restrained I think. From the day we left the hospital she screamed non stop! I used loop ear plug when driving and tried to avoid short long trips, but it did get better. She’s now 2 and still doesn’t love it but she’s fine now she understands that she had to go in her car seat. X

I have so much sympathy my son hates the car always has, I refuse to let him scream the entire journey plus it’s jarring and frankly dangerous to drive with so much screaming. We’ve tried it all, changed the car seat etc and nothing has ever really made a massive difference. He will nap in the car seat and I’m very grateful for that so we restrict the car to journeys where he’s napping or where I can sit in the back and entertain him but would never attempt a long journey with him x

Hmm, I'm not sure I'd let this stop me from living my life tbh. Does she have a dummy? If not, maybe introduce one? Maybe a snuggly or something aswell?

My daughter hated her car seat when she was little too. She would fall asleep eventually though. There was a lot of screaming on our trips 😂 I wasn't about to not do my thing because of it but it was intense. I think she got bored very easily and maybe a bit car sick, and wanted to see us too. It changed little by little. At first she became a bit better when she could play with toys more easily and comfortably put them in her mouth to chew (teething), then it changed more when we could just give her snacks hehe. And then finally, and I expect the car seat police will come at me, but we put her forward facing. She's 2 years and a few months now and is absolutely golden in the car

What kind of car seat are they in? Mine absolutely hated the Infant carrier and would scream non-stop in that but was much happier once we switched to the next stage seat. Still has his moments but nothing like before! Assuming there's no underlying medical issues? As ours also hated it before his CMPA was managed. That helped a lot once that was resolved.

Could you try putting her in the front seat (with airbags turned off) so she can see you and be close to you?

I would play white noise in the car and that helped. He used to cry for up to an hour but I would just drive. As long as I knew he wasn’t hungry and had a clean nappy, I wouldn’t stop just cos he was crying.

I changed my son’s car seat from the infant seat to a convertible one and that helped us a lot! He used to scream in the car too. I also got screens for the windows to keep the sun out of his eyes. And a camera to see if he dropped toys or his water cup etc. I make sure my son is fed, clean diaper and has his water for car rides now and it helps a lot for him. And sometimes I give him a wafer cracker to snack on. Distractions go a long way!

To answer the questions: She has a dummy attached, She's always clean and fed before going in the car, She doesn't have tongue tie or reflux, She has plenty of toys during car rides and books as well, She has a mirror, We play music like the happy song and all her faves, I have tried being in the back with her she still cries, And I won't let her cry out in the seat because it's hell and i cannot focus on driving when she yells which makes it dangerous... Our seat it the maxi cosy Pebble 360. I think she hates being restrained mainly. I am going to look into car sickness, fidget toys on windows and look into another seat. Thank you everyone for your answers xxx

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