Wake windows

How many naps is your 9 month old having and what are your usual wake windows?
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She normally has 2-3 naps, wake windows are 2- 4 hours but this depends on what's happening. All babies are different though.

2 naps. 9:30 for 30/45 mins and 2:30 for 1.5 hours. First wake window is 2.5/3 hours and second wake window is 4/4.5 hours then final wake window is 3/3.5 hours x

I sometimes struggle to get 2, but she has a short one in the morning and a longer one at night time. But some days is 1.5 hours in the afternoon and an earlier bedtime. But in the process of changing from breast feeding in the day to bottles 😭

2 naps. Wake at 7 First nap 10 - 10:30 AM 2nd nap 1 - 3 PM Wake window is about 3 hours then 4 hours 15 minutes between 2nd nap and bedtime by 7:15 PM

5:30 wake. Nap 1: 8:30-9:45, Nap 2: 14:00-15:15. Bedtime 18:30/19:00. I’ve given up with trying to get him to wake later. It will actually work well in 2 weeks as he has nursery at 7:30am

3, wake windows 2.5 hours roughly. She is a cat napper unless in car. Will only nap 30-40 min

My 9 month old has no routine at all 🤣 She's usually napping 1.5-2 hours after she wakes in the morning but that can be anytime from 4.30. And the other day she was awake for 7 hours. At the moments I've just learnt to go with the flow otherwise I stress myself out!

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