I've done gentle sleep training with both my babies, we are through it with October baby now. With both I knew they could already self-settle though, some aren't ready til 6 months. I also wasn't doing it to solve night wakings but more so they could go to sleep themselves as getting them to sleep and stay asleep was more my problem. I think sleep training sticks as long as you don't start new habits when they are ill/have a regression, a trap lots of parents fall into. Here's an overview of different methods so you can see what kind of thing you may be comfortable with. https://huckleberrycare.com/blog/sleep-training-infants-how-to-methods-and-tips
@Tanya thank you! Which method did you use? I’ve been recommended the pick up put down method by the health visitor
@Charlene I did a kind of gradual one that I put together. My first got distracted if I was there so I basically put her down and left, then if she got upset I sang over the monitor, if that failed went in her room and sang, maybe pick up put down as a last resort. Basically did the same with October baby, but singing over the monitor was enough for naps. Bedtime was harder so sometimes went through the other steps. If it got to 30 minutes and he wasn't settling I just fed to sleep and tried again the next day. Over time, he needed help less and less until he just happily self-settles basically all the time unless he gets very overtired or something. Both of them seemed to get more riled up if I was there but obviously if they were too upset I had to go in to them. So pick up put down can work for some babies but it annoys others, I think it would have annoyed mine. If it doesn't seem to be calming him maybe try another method.
From what I’ve heard (aside from sleep consultants advertising their services), babies should not be expected to self soothe at this age, so it would be forcing something before she’s really matured into it herself. If you’re really really desperate and your own mental health is at stake, I understand taking the measure but I’m in a similar position and am choosing to continue practicing patience unless things feel desperate. Saying that, I have a couple of friends who have resorted to it (it was pretty desperate) and it has worked for them. It’s your baby, your choice. Something I would bear in mind though, is that it’s not necessarily going to stick, they can ‘unlearn’ in the next regression or when you go in holiday or something… Also, there’s a sliding scale of how harsh the training can be, there are ‘gentle ways’