Thanks for the suggestions! I’m gonna try the clothes trick during his next nap time! 🤞🏼
@Vivian good luck hope it goes well ❤️
I would suggest taking Cara babies. My baby isn’t much of a contact napper- Only if she’s super tired after swim lessons or when she goes to bed.. which used to make me sad but now it makes things easier…she self soothes on her own though and prefers to be put down by herself… we followed this program from day one and it’s made things very manageable especially with us both working from home and grandparents helping
This will pass!!
Also my baby wakes up whenever I put her on her back. Started putting her on her side and she sleeps for an hour or two on her own
Just sending solidarity! My partner can put baby down and he’s like chill, but if he falls asleep in my arms he’s staying there or he’ll wake up instantly and angry haha
I can totally relate as my son love contact naps and is difficult to put down. I also work from home and what I found helped was leaving a piece of clothing behind to help with naps. Not trying to transfer too soon, with him it takes between 15-20 minutes before I can transfer. I recently found on another mommy page I follow that if you breastfeed and have a pad to stop leaking you can leave that behind because it has the smell of the milk on it. Also, learning as we are going so it’s trial and error for us right now lol. Good luck momma 🫶🏽